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CleverLogger Starter Kit

This Starter Kit is ideal for monitoring a single fridge, such as in a pharmacy or medical centre.


Just one fridge?

This kit is perfect for a pharmacy, small medical centre or laboratory that has just one medical fridge.

It contains one Logger and one Gateway.

What's in the kit?

The CleverLogger CLT-01 Logger sits inside your fridge and records temperatures. Every few minutes, it automatically transmits the temperatures to the Gateway.

The CleverLogger CLG-01 Gateway sits outside the fridge and is connected to the internet with either an ethernet cable or Wi-Fi. It receives the temperatures from the logger and saves them on the internet. The Gateway comes with a power supply and ethernet cable.

Hate paperwork? You'll love CleverLogger's reports

The thing you will love most about CleverLogger is the reports.

Instead of having to open special software or download data from a logger, CleverLogger reports are automatically emailed to you.

That’s right. You do nothing and a clear compliance report just appears in your inbox.

You can schedule the reports to be delivered once a month, once a week, once a day or even multiple times a day.

Alerts to your email and phone

But what if something goes wrong with the fridge and no one is manually checking it? Never fear, CleverLogger has you covered.

You can set up CleverLogger to send an email notification to one or multiple email addresses.

There is also a free app for iPhone and Android that can display an alert the instant there’s a problem.

You can be alerted about high and low temperatures and power loss.

The CleverLogger Range